ประยุกต์ใช้ โพสล่าสุด โพสสำคัญ เครื่องมือ สมาชิก สถิติฟอรั่ม ธนาคาร
หัวข้อ : เปิดสอบกรมยุทธศึกษาทหารบก นายทหารสัญญาบัตร ประจำปี 2556
admin ออฟไลน์
ระดับ: ผู้ดูแลระบบ

เปิดสอบกรมยุทธศึกษาทหารบก นายทหารสัญญาบัตร ประจำปี 2556

รับสมัครสอบคัดเลือกบุคคลพลเรือน ทหารกองหนุน เข้ารับราชการเป็นนายทหารสัญญาบัตร รวม 71 อัตรา ประจำปีงบประมาณ 2556 (28 ก.พ.-5 มี.ค.56)

กรมยุทธศึกษาทหารบก กองทัพบก รับสมัครสอบคัดเลือกบุคคลพลเรือน ทหารกองหนุน เข้ารับราชการเป็นนายทหารสัญญาบัตร รวม 71 อัตรา ประจำปีงบประมาณ 2556 (28 ก.พ.-5 มี.ค.56)

กลุ่มสอบที่ 1 วิศวกรรมศาสตร์
กลุ่มสอบที่ 2 วิทยาศาสตร์
กลุ่มสอบที่ 3  ศิลปศาสตร์
กลุ่มสอบที่ 4 การเงินการบัญชี
กลุ่มสอบที่ 5 ศาสนศาสตร์

จำนวนรับ 71 อัตรา

เปิดรับสมัครสอบตั้งแต่ วันที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ - 5 มีนาคม 2556

สั่งซื้อไฟล์ E-BOOK คู่มือเตรียมสอบ แนวข้อสอบกรมยุทธศึกษาทหารบก กองทัพบก  

เปิดดูรายละเอียด : คลิก Download เอกสาร   ( ขนาด 210.75 KB )

จำหน่ายเอกสารแนวข้อสอบนายทหารสัญญาบัตร กรมยุทธศึกษาทหารบก

- แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ (เฉลยอธิบายละเอียด)

- แนวข้อสอบภาษาไทย (เฉลยอธิบายละเอียด)

- แนวข้อสอบความรู้ทั่วไป

แนวข้อสอบเฉพาะตำแหน่ง เลือกตามที่สอบ

- กลุ่มที่ 1 วิศวกรรมศาสตร์

- กลุ่มที่ 2 วิทยาศาสตร์

- กลุ่มที่ 3 ศิลปศาสตร์

- กลุ่มที่ 4 การเงินการบัญชี

- กลุ่มที่ 5 ศาสนศาสตร์

สนใจสั่งซื้อมาที่   decho.by@hotmail.com
สามารถนำไปปริ้นเพื่นอ่านได้เลย  ในราคาเพียงชุดละ   399 บาท

ส่ง EMS ทางไปรษณีย์ เป็นหนังสือ +VCD ภาษาอังกฤษ + VCD ภาษาไทย ราคา 679 บาท

เลขที่บัญชี 491-2-00428-2 ธ.กสิกรไทย บิ๊กซีขอนแก่น decho
pragay  ออมทรัพย์
โอนเงินแล้วโทรแจ้งที่  085-0127724 

ฐานะ 2555

จำหน่ายเอกสารแนวข้อสอบรับราชการ   0934903924
admin ออฟไลน์
ระดับ: ผู้ดูแลระบบ

จำหน่ายเอกสารแนวข้อสอบนายทหารสัญญาบัตร  กลุ่มที่ 1 วิศวกรรมศาสตร์  กรมยุทธศึกษาทหารบก

- แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ (เฉลยอธิบายละเอียด)

- แนวข้อสอบภาษาไทย (เฉลยอธิบายละเอียด)

- แนวข้อสอบความรู้ทั่วไป


- แนวข้อสอบกลศาสตร์ (เฉลยละเอียด)

- แนวข้อสอบการเขียนแบบและการวิเคราะห์โครงสร้าง

- แนวข้อสอบคณิตศาสตร์ (เฉลยละเอียด)

- ถาม-ตอบ งานไฟฟ้าและอิเล็กทรอนิกส์เบื้องต้น

จำหน่ายเอกสารแนวข้อสอบนายทหารสัญญาบัตร  กลุ่มที่ 2 วิทยาศาสตร์ กรมยุทธศึกษาทหารบก

- แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ (เฉลยอธิบายละเอียด)

- แนวข้อสอบภาษาไทย (เฉลยอธิบายละเอียด)

- แนวข้อสอบความรู้ทั่วไป


- แนวข้อสอบฟิสิกส์ (พร้อมเฉลยละเอียด)

- แนวข้อสอบชีววิทยา (เฉลยละเอียด)

- แนวข้อสอบคณิตศาสตร์ (เฉลยละเอียด)

แนวข้อสอบวิชาเคมี (เฉลยละเอียด)

จำหน่ายเอกสารแนวข้อสอบนายทหารสัญญาบัตร  กลุ่มที่ 3 ศิลปศาสตร์  กรมยุทธศึกษาทหารบก

- แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ (เฉลยอธิบายละเอียด)

- แนวข้อสอบภาษาไทย (เฉลยอธิบายละเอียด)

- แนวข้อสอบสังคม การเมือง เศรษฐกิจ การทหาร


- แนวข้อสอบวิชาสังคมศึกษา

- แนวแนวข้อสอบ พรบ.และกฎหมายทั่วไป

- แนวแนวข้อสอบรัฐศาสตร์


จำหน่ายเอกสารแนวข้อสอบนายทหารสัญญาบัตร  กลุ่มที่ 4 การเงิน การบัญชี  กรมยุทธศึกษาทหารบก

- แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ (เฉลยอธิบายละเอียด)

- แนวข้อสอบภาษาไทย (เฉลยอธิบายละเอียด)

- แนวข้อสอบความรู้ทั่วไป


- แนวข้อสอบการเงินและบัญ  เฉลยละเอียด_

- แนวข้อสอบ พรบ. วิธีการงบประมาณ

- แนวข้อสอบระเบียบว่าด้วยการบริหารงบประมาณ พ.ศ. 2548

แนวข้อสอบระเบียบกระทรวงกลาโหมว่าด้วยการบัญชีเงินราชการ พ.ศ. 2555

- แนวข้อสอบความรู้เกี่ยวกับการเงินและการงานคลัง

- หลักการบัญชีเบื้องต้น

จำหน่ายเอกสารแนวข้อสอบนายทหารสัญญาบัตร กลุ่ม 5 ศาสนศาสตร์ กรมยุทธศึกษาทหารบก

- แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ (เฉลยอธิบายละเอียด)

- แนวข้อสอบภาษาไทย (เฉลยอธิบายละเอียด)

- แนวข้อสอบความรู้ทั่วไป


- แนวข้อสอบพื้นฐานทางพระพุทธศาสนา  ชุด 1

- แนวข้อสอบพื้นฐานทางพระพุทธศาสนา  ชุด 2

สนใจสั่งซื้อมาที่   decho.by@hotmail.com
สามารถนำไปปริ้นเพื่นอ่านได้เลย  ในราคาเพียงชุดละ   399 บาท 

ส่ง EMS ทางไปรษณีย์ เป็นหนังสือ +VCD ภาษาอังกฤษ + VCD ภาษาไทย ราคา 679 บาท

เลขที่บัญชี 491-2-00428-2 ธ.กสิกรไทย สาขาบิ๊กซีขอนแก่น ชื่อบัญชี decho pragay  ออมทรัพย์ 
โอนเงินแล้วโทรแจ้งที่  085-0127724 

กองทัพบกเปิดสอบเป็นนายทหารสัญญาบัตร 2556 จากบุคคลพลเรือน ทหารกองหนุน

กลุ่มสอบที่ 1 วิศวกรรมศาสตร์
กลุ่มสอบที่ 2 วิทยาศาสตร์
กลุ่มสอบที่ 3  ศิลปศาสตร์
กลุ่มสอบที่ 4 การเงินการบัญชี
กลุ่มสอบที่ 5 ศาสนศาสตร์

จำนวน 71 อัตรา

รับสมัครสอบตั้งแต่วันที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ - 5 มีนาคม 2556


จำหน่ายเอกสารแนวข้อสอบรับราชการ   0934903924
admin ออฟไลน์
ระดับ: ผู้ดูแลระบบ
Question 1. Cindy is a sticky woman, she rarely spent "dough" to any ones or for any things, What does "dough" mean ?
Answer money

Question 2. The government spent a lot of budget but "scarcely" got revenue back to its "coffer", What does "coffer" mean ?
Answer Government finance

Question 3. According to Question 2. above, What does "scarcely" mean ?
Answer not often, rarely, merely not

Question 4. I woke up late today's morning because of "sitting up late" last night. What does "sitting up late" mean ?
Answer stay not sleep at late night due to urgent jobs waiting for cleared.

Question 5. Because, the enemy "surrounded", the "military" had to keep "speedy" in "mobilizing" troops. What does "speedy" mean ?
Answer to be in hurry or hurried

Question 6. According to Question 5. What does "mobilizing" mean ?
Answer hoarding, accumulating, increasing, supplementing

Question 7. According to Question 5. What can "surrounded" be replaced by ?
Answer circled or rounded up

Question 8. According to Question 5. What does "military" refer to ?
Answer soldier

Question 9. The "sentry" obstructed the strange person who had no citizen card shown. What does "sentry" mean ?
Answer military in duty of guards

Question 10. The current "presidency" of the United States is Barack Obama. What does "presidency" mean ?
Answer The nation's leader who may have power or not have in administration.

Question 11. The alcoholic intake women are very risky in aborting the "unborn". What does "unborn" mean ?
Answer The woman's pregnancy which has not born yet.

Question 12. Wow !, I like it ! it's "exotic" and "out of the world". What do "exotic" and "out of the world" mean ?
Answer unique, exclusive, rarely found any where.

Question 13. After foreign exchange market "intervention" by the central bank, it lost many dollars. What does "intervention" mean and could be replaced by?
Answer interference

Question 14. "Thanks to" the very slow driving of the front car, I decided to "overtake" it. What does "overtake" mean ?
Answer drive along side of , pass a moving front car

Question 15. In the Question 14, What does "thanks to" mean ?
Answer due to, because of

Question 16. Don't be "concerned", I would clear it up. What does "concerned" mean ?
Answer worried

Question 17. It's my business, Don't "get involved" !, I would do it my self. What does "get involved" mean ?
Answer be a part of, join, participate, collaborate

Question 18. What is the capital of the Thailand ?
Answer Bangkok

Question 19. What is the capital of Britain or the United Kingdom ?
Answer London

Question 20. Which country is the "headquarters" of the United Nations located ?
Answer The United States

Question 21. In Question 20., What does "headquarters" mean ?
Answer Main office of enterprise where the managing director and other executive directors work in.

Question 22. I "wonder" where the headquarters of Kasikorn Bank is. What does "wonder" mean ?
Answer Be not sure, in doubt

Question 23. The expense of air "flight" from Tokyo to Bangkok is around 1,000 US. dollars. What does "flight" mean ?
Answer an air trip

Question 24. The "round trip" of Thai Airways International is competitive with the others. What does "round trip" mean ?
Answer "to and fro", backwards and forwards (go and back)

Question 25. Don't "speak like a book" ! I don't understand. What does "speak like a book" mean ?
Answer speak by using written words or not oral or spoken language.

Question 26. Who is the predecessor of the US. President George Bush ?
Answer Ronald Reagan

Question 27. Which year did the "regime" revolution of Thailand happen ?
Answer The year 2475 B.E. or 1932 A.D.

Question 28. What does "regime" mean ?
Answer Pattern of political government for example Communism or Democracy

Question 29. What is the unsucceeded political Coup D'etat named ?
Answer Rebellion

Question 30. Who was the king of Thailand while the revolution was happening in the year 2475 A.D. ?
Answer King Rama 7 or King Prapokklao

Question 31. While I was sleeping outside at night, Incredibly, I saw the "UFO.s" "hovering" on top of me. What does "hovering" mean ?
Answer flying at the same place.

Question 32. According to Question 31. What is "UFO.s" abbreviated from ?
Answer "Unidentified Flying Objects"

Question 32. "The precis of Dharma" I wrote, got a great popularity from the public readers. What does "precis" mean or refer to ?
Answer condensation or contraction.

Question 33. The issue of "IP. violation" and employing child labor "led to" dispute between the US. and China. What does "violation" mean ?
Answer offense, trespass, poaching, infringing

Question 34. According to Question 33. What does "employing" mean or refer to ?
Answer hire

Question 35. According to Question 33. What does "led to" mean or refer to ?
Answer brought about, cause

Question 36. According to Question 33. What is "IP." abbreviated from ?
Answer Intellectual Property (which has been registerred on copy rights)

Question 37. I "extremely" love the "current" king, because he and his "ancestors" protect our land for our lives from the past till now. What does "current" refer to ?
Answer present, nowadays

Question 38. According to above Question, What does "extremely" mean or refer to ?
Answer highly, deeply

Question 39. According to Question 37., What does "ancestors" mean ?
Answer ascendant or forebear

Question 40. According to Question 37., What is "extremely" opposited to ?
Answer plainly, idly, simply

Question 41. President Bill Clinton is "preceded" to President George W. Bush. What does "preceded" refer to ?
Answer earlier, before

Question 42. Please make your face "cheeky smile", the quality of service is very "important" for business "success". What does "cheeky smile" refer to ?
Answer pretend a smile, force one's smile

Question 43. From the above Question, What does "important" refer to ?
Answer needed, essentially

Question 44. From the question of 42nd, What is "success" opposited to ?
Answer failure

Question 45. After seen that "film", I did not "get any head or tail" of the whole story. What does the phrasal verb "get any head or tail" mean ?
Answer thoroughly understand, actually understand or make sense of

Question 46. From the question 45th, the word "film" could be replaced by ?
Answer movie, cinema

Question 47. After the Prime Minister "surrendered" to No-Confidence votes, he "abruptly" "resigned" the office. What could the word "abruptly" be replaced by ?
Answer suddenly, immediately

Question 48. From the question above, the word "surrendered" could be substituted by ?
Answer Be defeated to, be overcome by

Question 49. From the question of 47th, the word "resigned" could be replaced by and opposited to ?
Answer quited, left and opposited to "took the office"

Question 50. President George W. Bush was "succeded" by President Barack Obama. What does "succeded" refer to ?
Answer followed, replaced by

Question 51. I don't like the former "premier" because he is "too much on the make". What does the word "too much on the make" mean ?
Answer very greedy

Question 52. From above question, the word "premier" means ?
Answer Prime Minister or the head of administration.

Question 53. When I studied political science at the university before "graduated" the "lecturer" explained the manner of corruption of the "ext" Prime Minister's "cabinet". What does "lecturer" mean ?
Answer The univerity's professor or the instructor at the colledge of higher education.

Question 54. From above question. What does "graduated" "stand for" ? and What does "stand for" refer to ?
Answer completed a programme and got a degree of higher education, and "stand for" refer to "mean".

Question 55. From the question of 53rd, "ext" and "cabinet" respectively refer to ?
Answer "former" and "administration" subsiquently

Question 56. "Corruption" has the nearest meaning to ? and the word "nearest" could be replaced by ?
Answer "bribery" and the word "nearest" could be replaced by "closest".

Question 57. After the "coalition" and "ruling parties" "foresaw" their advantage in next election, the Prime Minister decided to "dissolve the parliament". What do "coalition" and "ruling parties" mean ?
Answer joint or combined and "ruling parties" mean political parties which govern and control the administration.

Question 58. According to the question above, What does "foresaw" mean or refer to ?
Answer predicted, forecasted

Question 59. As from the question of 57th, What does the words "dissolve the parliament" stand for ?
Answer constitutionally revoked or cancelled the membership of all the MP.s (Members of Parliament) and diverted to the new general election while all cabinet members become caretaker ministers.

Question 60. "Various" economic interventions by the government led to "negative" "divergence" of the economy. What does the word "divergence" mean ? and What does "negative" mean ?
Answer delinquency or changing directions of policies (veering), and "negative" means something bad or undesirable

Question 61. According to "previous" question, What does "various" mean? and Could the word "previous" be replaced by ?
Answer "various" means "variety of" or "many" or "several" while the word "previous" could be replaced by "earlier".

From this message below, please answer the questions from 62nd to 69th (8 questions) ;
After financial crisis struck Thailand and Asian countries on the Pacific rim, we learned how to live and do businesses in the Capitalism. However, the same crisis incredibly happened in the western countries like the USA. and many European countries that made those countries full of bad loans and several enterprises both public and private went under. Actually, this financial distress occurred because of too much spending of the government. Many years ago, the USA. under George W. Bush's administration waged war against terrorism and suppressed Al-Qaeda led by Osama Binladen whom supported by Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. Later, the war spreaded to Iraq with accusation or indictment from the USA. that Iraq governed by President Saddam Hussein was accumalating the Weapon of Mass Destruction or "WMD." especially Nuclear weapon. Eventually, the war ended with the surrender of Iraq and President Hussein captured and brought to the process of justice in the criminal court. Since the USA. troops and its alliance had seized Iraq, the number of casualties counted merely everyday. Because of daily death toll of American and its alliance troops mingled with economic crisis begun in the USA., the USA. led by Bush's adminstration was forced by American people to hault the war engagement in Iraq and withdraw troops from the never-ended war and finally make the Republican defeated to Democratic President Barack Obama greatly because of economic crisis emerged from war on terrorism.

Question 62. What is the best title of this article ?
Answer The western economic crisis caused by war on terrorism.

Question 63. "accusation" or "indictment" could be replaced by ?
Answer allegation

Question 64. What does "never-ended" mean ?
Answer prolonged, long-lasting or chronic or persistent

Question 65. What does "hault" mean ?
Answer stop, end

Question 66. After read this article, Which political parties was "George W. Bush" the member ? How do you find the answer ?
Answer Republican, the answer found in the sentence "the Republican defeated to Democratic President Barack Obama"

Question 67. What was the reason the USA. and its alliance use in waging war against Iraq ?
Answer It possessed "Weapon of Mass Destruction" or "WMD."

Question 68. What was the cause of economic crisis the author tried to point to ?
Answer too much spending in the war in Afghanistan and Iraq

Question 69. What does "death toll" refer to ?
Answer casualties of American and its alliance troops

Ater read this below article please answer the questions from 70th to 80th (11 questions) ;
After I completed high school grade 3rd, I did't further any studies in the educational institutions and decided to work on my beloved career of repairing cars and trucks and in my preferred company of producing well-known products. Even though, I had not, indeed, finished on this field of job but I could, however, learn how to do it through on-the-job learning and gradually gained more experience with stepping higher from apprentice according to process of developing knowledges. Ironically, I could do it better than I thought at beginning and went along well with my workmates. After continually working at level of apprentice for 10 months, I stepped upwards to journeyman and received more remuneration. Dramatically, I had got many returns and more experiences than orginally expected and after 5 years past, I reached the level of the master. Concludedly, many experiences derived from working hard and continually stricted supervised by sophisticated senior master made me succeed on this job and made me and my family live better.

Question 70. What is the type of this article ?
Answer autobiography

Question 71. What could the word "remuneration" be replaced by ?
Answer return, income

Question 72. What could be the best name of this article ?
Answer My working achievement gained after high school completion.

Question 73. What does "Ironically" mean ?
Answer strange but true, almost unbelievable

Question 74. What does "Dramatically" mean ?
Answer like drama, like dream

Question 75. What could "beloved" be replaced by ?
Answer fond of, like, love

Question 76. What does "on-the-job learning" refer to ?
Answer learning from actually working and gain some payment

Question 77. What does "workmates" mean ?
Answer co-workers, other workers who do the job together or at the same enterprise

Question 78. What does "derived" mean ?
Answer come from, happen from

Question 79. What does "sophisticated" mean ?
Answer specialized, highly experienced

Question 80. What do "senior" and "career" mean ?
Answer "higher skilled" and "job"

According to below message please answer the questions from 81st to 89th ;
The People's Republic of China and Japan have had a long trade dispute with the USA. However, these three countries are unseparatedly depending on each other. Continually, the USA. has stormed both Japan and China that they take too much advantage on trade of (from) the USA. and blamed the too low value of Chinese Yuan as the cause. From time to time, the USA. threaten and warned its couple of trade conflicts of imposing trade sanctions if there is no reciprocal according to its plea of fair trade. Nevertheless, the analyzers say if the sanctions would actually be imposed on these two nations those sanctions would inevitably affect the USA. herself too because many American investors in Japan and China would suffer those sanctions and these gigantic economic nations collapse together. Therefore, the critics suggest the compromise of trade between these three nations and study the best way in making these three countries meet each other's optimal way-out and surely verify the Chinese Yuan that it's whether the root cause of the dispute or the other.

Question 81. What could be the best title for this article ?
Answer Unsegregated trade dispute and tie between the USA., China and Japan

Question 82. What does "inevitably" mean ?
Answer unavoidable, can't leave, can't avoid

Question 83. What might be the type of this article ?
Answer News analysis or blog written by the press columnist

Question 84. What is the suggestion the writer recommend ?
Answer study whether the Chinese Yuan is actually the root cause of unfair trade

Question 85. What does "therefore" mean ?
Answer so, thus

Question 86. What could "verify" be replaced by ?
Answer prove

Question 87. What does "reciprocal" mean ?
Answer reaction, feedback

Question 88. What could "nevertheless" be replaced by ?
Answer "nontheless" or "however"

Question 89. What does the word "sanctions" refer to ?
Answer "penalties" or "punishments"
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